Mantra materialized with firm faith -- Master Blessing
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IN 1509, a child was born to a jagirdaar (who possessed a
land obtained from the government as a gift) Viruppa and his wife Bachchamma of
Baar village (a village
of Haveri districk,Karnataka).He
was named ‘Kanak’. They belonged to ‘Kurub’caste (shepherds by profession).He
lost his father when he was a child. When he grew up he inherited the land of
his father One day while redeveloping a patch of land, he happened to dig out
immense wealth from his land.. Therefore he became popularly known as ‘Kanaknayak.’in
village ‘Kaginele’ he built a grand temple
of Lord Keshva.’One night
Lord Keshva appeared in his dream and said,’Kanaka! You take refuge in me!’
In the dream itself,
he replied,’ Take refuge? Why should I become a servant just to subsist on
alms? I want to become a king.’
After some time he lost his wife and also his mother. Once
again the Lord appeared in his dream and said,’Kanaka! Have you forgotten my
‘Why should I abandon my land to subsist on alms?’
‘And what if you lose the land?’
‘I’ will graze goats.’
‘You are ready to graze goats. You are not ready to become
‘Oh….?’With this he woke up. He started thinking,’ what a problem!
Why is the Lord harassing me? I’ve lost my father, my mother and my wife also.
Now is this the only thing left for me to be servile to Lord Hari, and subsist
on alms?’
After some time, there occurred a fierce battle in that region.
In that battle, Kanak’s whole body became pierced with arrows. He found only
one support in this terrible condition. He kept calling ‘Keshav…Keshav..’ and
then fainted. The enemy took him to be dead and left him in the battlefield
The Lord arrived in human form, and brought him to senses. Kanak
asked,’ Who are you?’
The Lord said, ‘What? Kanaka! Have you forgotten me so soon?
Which is better? Lying amidst corpses in this battle field or belonging to me?’
‘I feel excruciating pain in the whole body. Once I recover,
I’II tells you.’
‘I’II immediately restores your health.’
With the Lord’s touch Kanak got relieved of pain instantly,
and he was enraptured. He said,’ My Lord! Why do you put me to all these tests?
If I agree to come under your refuge, would you also accede to my wishes?’
‘Yes, I’II does.’
‘OK. Whenever I remember ‘You’, You’ I bless me with your darshan,
and just now you blissfully show your real form to me.’
The Lord blessed him with the darshan of his charming four armed’
Vishnu form’, beholding which Kanak entered the state of trance attained in
spiritual ecstasy, and he remained seated quietly in that place. Though his
physical body was the same, the mind had undergone radical transformation. It
was the turning point in his life. In the physical body of Kanak (literally
gold), the real gold of dispassion was glittering resplendently. After he came
to his senses, he reached home and handed over his business to others.The
streets of the village reverberated with his chants of ‘Keshava…Kesgava…’ and
after some time people observed that Kanak was washing the feet of Lord Keshav
in the temple with his tears.
Now the Lord himself had undertaken the responsibility of
Kanak’s blessedness. Whenever the Lord wishes supreme blessedness for his
devotee, he enters his life in the form of a revered Sadgure. Not only this, he
duly reveals his whereabouts to his devotee.
At around midnight,
Kanak had a dream. Casting an affectionate glance on his devotee, the Lord
said,’Kanaka! You wish to see me always with you? I shall enter your life in
the form of a Self-Realized ‘Sadguru.’ Now without any further delay, you get
Mantra-Diksha form’s Vyasraiji’ instructed by the guru, when you will know my
essential nature, you will become one with me. Then, I can never separate
myself from you. You’ll become my supremely beloved devotee..
Kanak set
out in search of master Vyasraiji. At that time, Vyasraiji was busy in getting
a huge pond dug at Madan palliregion of Andhra Pradesh. He was thinking how to
remove pond. Kanak arrived there and paid his obeisance at the Vyasraiji’s
asked, “ Who are you?
“I’m Kanak,
a shepherd.”
“What do
you want?”
Master! I’ve come to get Mantra Diksha from you.”
“Mantra –
Diksha to a shepherd! ‘Bhainsa’ (he-Buffalo) is the Mantra!”
Auro brightness can be clearly seen on Bapu ji surrounding |
It was as
if a thirsty man wandering in the desert in search for water found a spring of
water. As if a fish taken out of water reached an ocean! Kanak’s mind became
highly elated, ‘I’ve got the Guru-Mantra!’ With all devotion, he bowed before
Master and after getting his permission he sat at a secluded place under a
tree, and started doing japa of the mantra ‘Bhainsa- Bhainsa’, a powerful auro created surrounding him due to his
implicit faith and devotion to Master
made the He-buffalo, the vehicle of Yama(the god of death) appear in that
place. He said in low voice, “ What do you want?”
Kanak lead
the he-buffalo to master Vyasraiji, and said, “Gurudev! Your mantra has been
materialized. What to do with this now?”
“Bravo! Bravo! This is called steadfastness. You have qualities of a disciple.
Now instruct this mammoth Bahinsa to remove the huge boulders from the front of
the pond.”
obeying the command of his Master, Kanakgot the task done with the help of that
he-buffalo, Seeing the firm faith of Kanak, Vyasraiji heart became overwhelmed
with affection and he formally initiated Kanak, acceptedhim as his disciple and
gave Mantra-Diksha to hjim. From that day, Kanak was fondly known as Kanakdas.
Kanakdas ji is one of the renowned/ saints of Karnataka(India). His
devotional songs and kirtans are very popular in Karnataka. Apart from being
full of devotion to Lord HAri, These Kirtans express glimpse of profound
spirituality also. He writes.
‘O Lord
Vishnu! Please bless me with the remembrance of your lotus feet and association
with saints. Lord! I pray, don’t ignore me.’
Janardana (Lord Vishnu)! Bless me with knowledge and devotion to maintain my celibacy. Keep me ever
absorbed in your remembrance. Rid me of my lowly intellect forever
‘O Lord
Krishna! Please do not give me birth again. Since You have given birth to me,
nurture me; this is the sole request to ‘You’!’
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