do the Spells Ritual on one black dense night and then see the miracle in your
life yourself.
ritual need to perform on New Moon Night mean when no moon will visible on sky
in night time and the night will be fully dark black and dense. With the result
of this ritual bad and worst financial problem will be improved fast. Important
works will be completed successfully and or unknown dangerous disease will
cured automatically. You can see miracle result yourself after this ritual.
One Black Dense or Fully Dark Night Can Change Your Luck and Life |
what you need to do and how?
moon day or night both are very special for spiritual practice or spells ritual. This is the special day and
night for ancestor’s powers and these powers must available at home on that
day. So wake up early in morning before sunrise, prepare any sweet like dessert
or any other. Due to weak financial condition if you could not prepare sweet
then take first 5 chapattis and put some sugar on each. Now with respect and faith put these sweet or
chapattis on banana leaves and offer on Acacia tree, and if this tree not
available then you can do this on your roof or in balcony. This ritual will
highly boost up the power of your ancestor powers and then nobody can harm you
a bit, your enemy will finish automatically without your any efforts…
someone has very fatal illness and going to died, and doctors raised their
hands also.
Then do this ritual and get the fast positive result soon. You can do this if any of your important work
gets stuck incomplete and there is no ways to complete that task.
what you will do in this case?
pull out some thread from the sick person cloths, now take some cotton and with
the pulled thread make a thick thread for lamp. Now take soil lamp and add some
mustard oil with this thick thread. Now round this lamp clockwise 7 times from
that person and then go to the Piple tree root. Light this lamp there and
prayer for your or that person health and desire then come without seeing
behind and now see the miracle in your life.
Horse Horseshoe: You often listen multiple times about Black
Horse horseshoe but for correct way to use please listen carefully. This ritual also needs to do on New moon
morning. Set the black horse horseshoe on the doorstep of your house but
remember the open side should be upside. And if you want to set it on your
office or on your workshop then open side should be downside. Just do this
only. This will boost your financial condition. Your business will boost your
profit and money will come from all side to you.
these rituals can be done easily at home by you or your family member. Never
avoid these spells rituals and take high advantage with these …
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