the Spell with just one Roti or Chupatty (Bread)
Spell Just with one Bread or roti will uproot and throw away your all dangerous
and difficult problems from life and family. Just listen carefully how you will
do this spell casting with one bread.
- While cooking Food, Put
separate the first cooked bread. And apply butter or pure mustard oil on it.
- Now put grinded sugar on it, if
grinded sugar not available then you can put sugar itself.
- Now take bread in your both
hands and close your eyes and remember you God for few minutes.
- Now make four equal pieces of
that bread and use all four in following given ways.
Cast the Spell with just one Roti or Chupatty (Bread) |
First piece of bread on the roof of your house or in your balcony to offer it
for birds or crows. You can do this at your workplace also. This act will awake
the power of your home deities who will help you in your business and your
business will grow very fast and reach to top.
second piece of bread on the house of ants. This act will protect your business
and profit from evil eyes or curse of jealous persons. By this way your
business and profit will protected securely.
3. Now third piece of bread need
to offer to stray dogs, no matter what is their colour but never offer it to pet dog.
This act will make you enemy free. If you have even fierce enemies. If you will
do this act then definitely your fierce enemies cannot make trouble for you at
any effort.
4. Last and fourth piece of bread need to offer on four ways divider. This
is called offer for Goddess Mahakali . She will protect you from all types of
black and dangerous magic attack easily.
Only one bread of food can
shine your life and make your family prosper and happy …
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